piątek, 12 października 2007

Atypical depression

There are some people who believe that there is just one type of depression. Nowadays, studies have shown that there is actually more than one kind of depression. One of these is known as atypical depression. It is called atypical because the symptoms associated with it are directly opposite from patients with severe depression.

Some of these symptoms are evident when the depressed person usually gets elated even during the depressed phase but only momentarily. Too much sleeping whenever the person is given the chance is also another symptom. There are also times when the person has trouble falling back to sleep. A person with atypical depression may experience an increase in appetite especially for carbohydrates, chocolates, or sweets. Oftentimes, the person may be emotionally sensitive to rejections or criticisms. The depressed mood can come and go in cycles which could often last for years.

These symptoms do not necessarily have to happen. Some people do not even notice that they are depressed because they feel that they have been like this all the time. There are some people who seem to compensate clinical depression instinctively by carefully studying the relationship they are in to protect themselves from a possible rejection. Others compensate by pushing themselves to their limit to overcome their lack of energy. There are some people who compensate their depression by staying on a stiff sleeping schedule and also by going on a strict diet.

Those who experience atypical depression are likely to be more susceptible to have a more serious and unexpected major depression. Atypical depression normally happens when the person has a panic disorder which is a common form of anxiety disorder. It is also accompanied by alcohol or drug abuse.

People with atypical depression can have a major impact on how they live their lives. The disorder can make it hard for them to have a close relationship. When at the office, a friendly constructive criticism can make the person feel overwhelmingly rejected. Just going out to watch a movie may feel like a totally waste of time because of lack of energy. The symptoms are even more serious especially when a romantic relationship falls apart.

These days the medications used during a treatment can effectively control the symptoms. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor or SSRI antidepressants are probably the most effective medication.

Psychotherapy coupled with medication is also an effective means of treating atypical depression. This makes it easier for the patient to understand how the symptoms have affected their lives.

It is always a good idea to seek medical help from a well-recommended psychiatrist who is well versed with atypical depression.